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December 6, 2007 Conservation Meeting Minutes
Conservation Commission
                                                                      December 6, 2007

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Stephen Cremer, and Stephan Glicken were the members present. Janet Dunlap arrived at 7:55 p.m.

7:45 p.m. Old /New Business:
Update - Cranberry Bogs on Old Post Road/Sharon Commons
Peg informed the Commission that Mr. Fred Bottomley has flooded the lower elevation bogs in preparation for the winter. He is negotiating a lease agreement with Mr. Intoccia concerning the bogs and anticipates that the agreement would be signed by the Spring. Upon obtaining the lease agreement, Mr. Bottomley is considering contracting with either Ocean Spray Cranberry Industries or Decas Cranberries for management of the bogs.
The maintenance plans for the bogs include obtaining equipment to pump water into the higher elevation vines.
Some vine replacement might be necessary after the winter months to sustain the agricultural use of the bogs.
Update – Donation from the Developer of Sharon Commons
The Conservation Administrator explained to the Commission that he has been negotiating with Mr. Intoccia concerning wetland mitigation for the proposed Sharon Commons project. Mr. Intoccia has agreed to donate $200,000 in cash to the Commission in addition to providing up to $35,000 in equipment/labor expenses, if needed.

7:50 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the October 4, 2007 Meeting Minutes as presented.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 3-0-1.
Janet Dunlap arrived at this time
Peg called for a motion to approve the October 18, 2007 Meeting Minutes as presented.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.
Peg called for a motion to approve the November 1, 2007 Meeting Minutes as amended.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.

8:00 p.m. Cliff Towner – Lake Massapoag Update:

Cliff explained to the Commission that he is meeting with the Finance Committee on December 17, 2007
to discuss his FY’09 Expense Budget. He is requesting $36,000 to help eradicate the presence of Fanwort in Lake Massapoag. A recent survey of the Lake revealed the presence of Fanwort in South Cove, and along the entire shoreline of Lakeview Street. Approximately six years ago, the presence of Fanwort was eradicated in South Cove as well as Fletcher’s Cove. The amount of $36,000 would also be sufficient to eradicate the presence of Milfoil in the Lake.
Cliff recalled that back in 1977, 1978, and 1979, the presence of chlorine was found in Lake Massapoag.
This problem was stopped with the help of public perception.

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In 1990 a report was written about Lake Massapoag stating that it would no longer be a recreational resource by the year 2000. Cliff hired an attorney that resulted in establishing the management of the Lake under the Commission’s jurisdiction. The 1990 Lake Management Policy is no longer valid. Although 3 cfs is
supposed to be discharged from the Lake, 1 ½ cfs is currently being released to help maintain an adequate water level for Lake Massapoag. The level in the Lake is currently down approximately 16”. Mann’s Pond would be depleted if more water was released from the Lake.
Cliff is considering hiring an attorney to promote public awareness of the serious water problem in the Town of Sharon. He explained to the Commission that all the streams around the Cedar Swamp are dry. Every year there is less water flowing into the Town’s aquifers because we are losing more and more wetlands. He mentioned some details to the Commission resulting from a survey that was recently performed in the Cedar Swamp Area. The survey explains how valuable Cedar Swamp is. The consultants conducting the survey indicated that the value of the Cedar Swamp area is worth approximately $85,000 per acre, just as a water filtration resource. They suggested that one way to save the Cedar Swamp is to provide sewer service to approximately 100 homes in the Sharon Heights area.  They also recommend filling in the drainage ditch by Lee Road and piping all the street drainage to the Ward’s Berry Farm location, before discharging it into the ground. The Conservation Subcommittee has suggested similar recommendations to the Commission. Cliff explained to the Commission that without the 15” of rainfall from May and June, the water level in the Lake would be very low now. He feels that the water level in the Lake would be worse than it was back in 1997 with normal precipitation and temperatures. The water level in the Lake is down 16” with 45” of rainfall this year. The Town has averaged approximately 56” of rainfall every year for the past five years. The water level of the Lake on May 1, 2007 was only 10” with minimum water flow being released from the Lake. The Town is losing more water recharge every year. The current water table in the Town of Sharon is lower than past records indicate. There was no water flowing over the spillway at Gavin’s Pond again this Fall. Cliff feels that the Town needs to install smaller wells in different aquifers and take the pressure off from the sand pile under the Cedar Swamp to help address the Town’s water problem. He said that only one new well has been installed in Town during the last thirty-one years. Cedar Swamp feeds the Canoe River Aquifer, Billings Brook Aquifer, and the Beaver Brook Aquifer. Cliff estimates that it would probably cost the Town approximately ten million dollars per year for an MWRA connection. The Town might be able to connect through the Town of Canton for the service. Cliff agreed to provide the Commission with a copy of the WEAP Model report. It is an interesting report from Tufts University that contains important information about the Cedar Swamp.
The members of the Commission agreed to discuss the contents of the WEAP Model report at their January
third meeting. The Commission will subsequently request a meeting with the Selectmen following their
review of the report.

8:40 p.m. Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club Update:

Peg explained to the Commission that the Massapoag’s Sportsmen’s Club is requesting the Commission’s feedback concerning possible land swap options. They are requesting an easement across the area outlined in blue on the plan, which would only be used if the Town develops the property.

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The Club would receive more money if they agree to extend their restricted area with Audubon. The area
marked in yellow on the plan is proposed to be unrestricted.
Janet Dunlap explained that the Club might not be able to legally restrict the property if they place an easement on it, as it may change the value of the property. The Commission’s goal is to protect the property whether or not there is an easement on it.
Peg mentioned to the Commission that the Club has previously considered timber-harvesting trees on land that they propose to retain and place under restriction.

9:00 p.m. Open Space – Update:

Peg explained to the members of the Commission that it is necessary for the Commission to compile a list
of properties they recommend be incorporated into the new open space plan. She noted that the 12-acre
parcel in the Cedar Swamp area donated by Askenazy should be included on the list.

9:25 p.m. Adjournment:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.